Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Zombie town

So, I don't recommend spending any more time in Baker than it takes to put gas in your vehicle. This place BLOWS. And it smells like shit. Literally. It is a giant, warm, windy port-a-potty. Also, zombies live here.
 This motel is abandoned. Abandoned motel in a desert = zombies and or chainsaw wielding maniacs.

 I'm also pretty sure they live under the janky-ass bridge as well.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I'm Drunk

Yeah, I'm drunk. What of it? Fuck you. At least I got to spend the evening with the hottest chick ever. Don't believe me? I don't give a shit! Get bent! See you all sometime this weekend?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Technical difficulties

Viva was fun, for work, as usual. Good looking broads this year. Unfortunately, the ride home was anything but pleasant.
 Where the FXRape Machine's battery called it quits. Actually, that's a lie. It quite 2 miles before this, but the lil' fella refused to give up and damn near got me rolled into town.
 That's battery acid draining like blood from my steed

As you all can see, the scenery was very exciting. Totally not boring. Or hot. Good thing I had all the battery water draining out, because I forgot to bring some. Luckily the tow truck showed up within 2 hours and only charged me $180 to tow me 2.4 miles! It was all around swell. Pictures of zombie town in the next installment.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

After the Street Chopper show....

I went and got drunk at my favorite barber shop.

 By this point in the night it was pouring rain, so my motorbike got to stay inside for a minute
 All the classy broads party with bikers

See. True story.

Street Chopper at Juke

Here's some pictures from last Saturday's Street Chopper show at the Juke Joint. The threat seemed to keep most people (pussies) away.

 I liked how simple the orange Evo chop was
 And the seat wasn't bad either

 This V65 Magna was in damn near perfect condition. No Hadley stand's a chance of keeping up with one of these.
This Ironhead was different, but I didn't really get it. Why have 6 over tubes on a stock rake? Whatever, to each their own.
 But this Evo Sporty was B.A. Barrakus. Dig the gold rims, the two into one, and the bars. I would have put a totally different seat on it and kep the belt drive, but that's me. I always have something to bitch about.
Oh, and dirtbike helmets are worthless. Why anyone still uses them is beyond me.